Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Playing It Safe Along With Google AdSense And Also Preventing Getting Restricted

Google's AdSense program is still, after all these years, a superb technique to add a potentially lucrative income stream to a site. When you have just launched a website, then you face the task of sending visitors to it and monetizing it in some useful way. There is not a lot that needs to be done in the event you wish to turn out to be established with AdSense on your website. If you're totally new to AdSense, then you need to take care that you don't get yourself banned.

For years, marketers have been utilizing all types of means to create sites expressly designed for AdSense revenue. Many 'made for AdSense' web sites are pretty bad searching, but that's component of the deal simply because they want you to hurry up and click on an ad just to leave. It is typical information that Google dislikes these websites, and they spare no time delisting them as soon as they are found. If you wish to produce a full time AdSense income, then you must be ready to commit to the job. Just like any other marketing company, you've to approach this with the proper mindset. Some web site owners get involved in joint ventures that involve various webmasters clicking on every other's ads to create more cash. You won't get away with this, though, as Google is sophisticated enough to have the ability to notice if clicks are coming from the exact same IP addresses over and over.

The 1 specific metric you usually have to track is your click via rate, or CTR. There is an average CTR which is between one and five percent, and if it exceeds that then you should investigate. For example, in the event you find a CTR that's 20% then there's certainly click-fraud going on, that you need to stop. You simply just want to protect your business, and that's why this is really a concern you should address. The things you've to do to be able to preserve your active status are extremely simple. There are many reasons why Google might disable your AdSense account, so the very best method to steer clear of it's to follow their terms of service strictly and not do your own thing. AdSense was created to be used by the masses, and that is why you know it truly cannot be that tough to do.

Make Money With Google AdSense - Is It Really Possible?   AdSense Tips: AdSense Crawl Issues   How To Get An AdSense Account   Google AdSense Tips - 5 Never Talked About Methods for Increasing Your Click Through Rate (CTR)   How To Successfully Incorporate Ads Into Your PPC Marketing   

Starting and Finishing: How This Is Important to an AdSense Business

Anyone who has ever been involved with AdSense can tell you that it takes time to earn free organic traffic from the search engines. And as a professional internet marketer, that is our main objective. The problem that many people have in not reaching their goal income levels has to do with the psyche of their brains.

Now that may seem like a lot to fathom in reference to making money with some silly website, but the truth is that some people will have a very tough time in succeeding with an AdSense business because they are either a starter or a finisher. It's tough to be both and each person's strength lies in one or the other. Therefore in order to hit your income goals and become successful with an AdSense business, it becomes necessary to team up and help each other. Let's take a quick glance into both psyches of the mind; the starter and the finisher.

The Starter:

This is the person who really enjoys the activation process of a project. Their energy is high right from the get-go and they are willing to work long hours at high paced intervals to get the project up and running and off on the right foot. These people love the research aspect of putting up new websites and the adrenaline of seeing where it will rank and what kind of monetary potential it might have.

They lack in follow through though and have a tough time reaching the websites' true potential. They spend too much time putting up and starting new projects that it leaves no time left to ensure that the websites that they already have up will succeed.

The Finisher:

This type of person enjoys the late planning stages of a website and makes sure to follow through to achieve the best results possible. They do everything that they can to make sure it succeeds and won't stop until it does.

The drawback in this is that the finishers might spend too much time on completing a project that might not have that much potential. They are too scared to start a new project because it might fail just like the current one if they don't finish it.

This is why it is so important to make sure that you understand where your true strengths lie. Are you a starter or are you the finisher? Either way, the best chance for success will be to make sure that you outsource the polar end of what you are. If you are a starter, you will need to find someone to close out and finish what you started. And if you are a finisher, you will need the fresh ideas and enthusiasm of a genuine starter.

Start making plans and treat an AdSense business like what it is...a business. It is the only way to succeed!

Make Money With Google AdSense - Is It Really Possible?   AdSense Tips: AdSense Crawl Issues   How To Get An AdSense Account   Google AdSense Tips - 5 Never Talked About Methods for Increasing Your Click Through Rate (CTR)   How To Successfully Incorporate Ads Into Your PPC Marketing   

How To Use AdSense Niches to Make AdSense Cash

How can you use Google AdSense to make some worthwhile revenue? How can you make AdSense work, in the very competitive environment of the web?

The simple fact is that nearly all the best AdSense topics have already been taken up by a number of experienced AdSense publishers. If you happen to be a beginner and you are new to the AdSense scheme, it is extremely difficult to get a foothold into the best AdSense niches.

One of the best ways to establish yourself within the scheme is to focus on new AdSense niche topics.

Rare, yet popular AdSense topics are ideal for a number of reasons. Firstly, the nature of the web is changing. Users are seeking more specific information regarding their topic of interest and they often use keyword combinations of three words or more in their search queries. This new behavioural pattern exhibited by visitors opens up the world of AdSense niches. New publishers no longer have to compete for single popular keywords that often already have thousands of websites catering for them.

Instead, they can focus on AdSense niche topics based on themes that are more specifically described using three keywords or more. This opens up the way for many popular AdSense themes to be further exploited by the smarter AdSense publisher, who has the skills and knowledge to discover new AdSense niches. Of course discovering new AdSense themes isn't a simple task but with a little training in the best techniques and a bit of experience any new AdSense publisher can become an expert in isolating lucrative AdSense keyword combinations.

There are a number of advantages in using niche topics. Good AdSense themes often have little to no competition from other websites that carry contextual ads. In some cases where there is some competition, the quality is often found to be very poor. With so little competition, these niche topics often enable whoever discovers them to control a large chunk of the internet traffic associated with the theme. And as we all know loads of traffic equals to Google cash.

Good AdSense topics also have a good level of visitor demand. A significant amount of internet users have an interest in the topic in question. High demand, again, equals to loads of traffic which equals to a well performing site.

So if you are new to Google's pay-per-click scheme the best strategy to use in order to make some AdSense cash, is first to do some keyword research in order to discover a good AdSense niche topic.The process of discovering a new topic opens up your eyes to the diverse possibilities that exist within the scheme. It might even lead you to discover new, even more lucrative AdSense keywords. It may slow down your progress, at first, but is an important initial step towards making a successful AdSense website.

Make Money With Google AdSense - Is It Really Possible?   AdSense Tips: AdSense Crawl Issues   How To Get An AdSense Account   Google AdSense Tips - 5 Never Talked About Methods for Increasing Your Click Through Rate (CTR)   How To Successfully Incorporate Ads Into Your PPC Marketing   AdSense, What Is It Really?   

An Overview on How Pay Per Click Ads Work

The internet has influenced a lot of business minded people to venture in online entrepreneurship, hence the growing need for online advertising and marketing promotions. With the help of the internet, companies are able to create a lasting business campaign that can continuously publicise their products and rendered services. Some businesses however, despite trying different marketing approaches, still fail to maximise the online resources they have in their hands. Thus, it is important to utilise every tool you have, even the internet, in order to come up with fast and leading advertising leads. Pay per click is and online marketing strategy wherein it directly traffics the person who clicks the ad link to a specified website. This form of advertising approach was first introduced in the late 90's but it did not really grow in popularity until the very early years of the twentieth century.

Since a lot of people are hooked on the internet most of their time, it is very practical for business persons to take advantage of the internet and use it as a means of advertising. To make things easier to understand, online marketing is all about publicising your business' products and services in the cyber world. Pay per click companies can assist internet based industries to succeed in not only marketing and reaching out to the net citizens, but also help them produce more profit. So how does this type of marketing scheme really work? As its name suggests, this advertising tactic works with the promoter not paying a fee when he or she places an ad on a certain webpage.

Rather, he or she will only pay a certain sum of cash every time someone is taken to their webpage by clicking on their posted ads. People who are into PPC advertising have the huge advantage of showing their advertisements to individuals who are intentionally looking for what they sell. This may sound simple but there are actually a lot more to learn. PPC's fundamental code is to allow people to search for what you are readily able to offer. It works by typing in necessary keywords in a search engine. However, people who are engaged in this type of marketing usually make the common mistake of giving a generic keyword that may traffic clickers to a different website. Thus, it is highly important to create very specific keywords to send the searchers to the right landing page.

PPC Advertising is sure to promote a speedy and optimum growth in the industrial sales and promotions because of its quick and easy marketing tactics. All the searcher has to do is to go to their favourite search engine, type in the necessary keywords, and start clicking. With this in mind, it is clear that pay per click can be considered as the top advertising model in the cyber world.

Why Your Business Should Choose Google AdWord Solutions?   Use PPC Marketing to Boost Your Internet Business   Targeting PPC Ads by Location   

Increase Profits With AdWords Management

It is difficult to be able to keep track of everything that is going on with AdWords. This is a product that will definitely boost your sales but it uses a lot of your time that could be better spent elsewhere. There are companies that offer AdWords Management. They are designed to make your life a little bit easier. With a management system on your side you will have time to help your business grow. It is difficult to find all the time in a day to do everything required for your business let alone have time to share with your family. Let someone else handle AdWords for you.

What will AdWords Management Do for You?

You can expect the management company to find the perfect keywords that will pull more clicks your way. Keywords are what draw people to your advertisement. Once you have them your ad will bring customers to you. Get your entire AdWords campaign managed so you have all the free time you need.

You can expect such things as:

Keyword management

Restructuring of your ad

Keeping track of the competition

Pulling in visitors that will buy

Good management companies will give you their time 365 days a year so you don't have to be concerned with your CPC (cost per click) or any other part of your AdWords campaign.

Enjoy Success

With the right AdWords Management you will be able to have the business you want with a spare time on your hands. You won't have to be concerned with anything including coming up with the right keywords to attract business. Let a management firm help you with all of it.

You can sit back and enjoy the success of your AdWords campaign without having too much hands-on work on the process. You can spend your time growing your business or spending time with family. It is difficult to have both a new business and home life but when you get help with your AdWords you will be able to enjoy both. No longer will you need 30 hours a day to complete all of your tasks. It takes time to run a successful AdWords Campaign. You will have to work with it every day to keep on top of everything that AdWords offers you.

You need to know if you are spending too much on pay per clicks or if you need to spend more. You need to update keywords to attract new people to your website and the products that you sell. That is why it is recommended that you use AdWords Management. Isn't it time for you to go home and spend time with your spouse and children? They probably miss you even if you work from home and have locked yourself away in an office.. You will be happy with the results you get when an expert takes over and helps you with your advertisements. You can sit back and watch new traffic come your way through Google and AdWords.

Why Your Business Should Choose Google AdWord Solutions?   Use PPC Marketing to Boost Your Internet Business   Targeting PPC Ads by Location   

PPC Marketing In The Digital Age

Most people living in the digital age have developed a very clingy relationship with the World Wide Web. Eighty percent of adults in first world countries spend an average of two hours a day with computers and other similar devices that give them access to the internet. Advertisers today are taking advantage of this relationship between man and the net by focusing their efforts on modern advertising techniques that aim to catch people's attention online. One way of doing this is through Pay Per Click, or PPC marketing.

Global Access and Visibility Just like any other form of promotions, the goal of PPC is to help business enterprises to gain visibility and win customer traffic. Back in the days, marketers had to do this by flyers, brochures, and other print ads. These take a lot of time and cost people a great deal of resources from the layout process, printing, and distribution. The unfortunate thing about this method is the fact that only a few potential clients are reached. Distributing a hundred flyers in a day is already tiresome for the staff. With internet marketing today, access to thousands or even millions of people across the globe is possible minus the printing cost, waste of paper, and extra manpower.

What is it all about Search engines are the most visited sites online. They have become people's sources of news, scientific researches, relationship advice, gaming tips, fashion forecasts, and so much more. Because of this, most of the internet marketing tactics revolve around the search engine. PPC works by posting links on these sites in the form of sponsored links, banners, widgets, or pop-out ads. Clicking on these redirects clients to the business website of the company who advertises it. This allows more people to have access to the services and products they offer and increase chances of sales.

The Process Involves The entire process starts when a company enters a search engine's Pay Per Click program and pays a specific down payment to have their own account. Having an account then allows them to design their ads with specific texts or images. This will be the appearance of the link to be used later on. Along with this, they also make a list of keywords associated to their business. For example, an enterprise selling cameras may use "camera", "photography", "best cameras", or "digital cameras". After having an ad design and completing the keywords, an auction takes place where different companies bid for keywords and ideal locations on the search engine page. Higher bids offer greater spots and visibility in the results page. The amount being bid signifies the price the advertiser is willing to pay every time a person clicks on the ad.

Why Your Business Should Choose Google AdWord Solutions?   Use PPC Marketing to Boost Your Internet Business   Targeting PPC Ads by Location   

8 Powerful Headline Types for Your Facebook Ad

Facebook ad headlines: So little, and yet so powerful.

While your image will be the most significant factor in the click through rate of your ad, your headline still contributes around 15% to its success.

First things first: You need to know how many characters you have for your headline. The maximum character limit is 25 (including spaces). BUT, I highly recommend keeping your headline to a maximum of 15 characters, in order to keep it all on one line. This means you have 3-4 words max to get your point across. Not an easy task!

If you have experience in copywriting, this is going to help tremendously as you write your headline. If you're well-versed in writing Google ads or other PPC copy, even better. But if you're not, I'm going to share 8 headline types from Robert Bly's fabulous book, "The Copywriter's Handbook".

8 Powerful Headline Types


This is perhaps the simplest type of headline to come up with, especially if you're not particularly creative. These headlines are simple, clear, and say exactly what people will be getting when they click on the ad. These often mention a price or savings so people will know there's a cost involved.

30% off t-shirts today Overnight stay $99 Save 20% before March 15


Unlike with direct headlines, indirect headlines are meant to evoke curiosity. Many times this will mean using phrases that could have multiple meanings, like "Plenty of fish in the sea", or "It only takes one". The idea is to pique people's interest and get them to click on the ad to find out more.

News Headline

When you have something newsworthy to share the news headline works well. News headlines are very direct, simple, and speak for themselves. They could be something like:

Introducing John Johnson Now carrying Toms Announcing new product xyz


This is pretty self-explanatory. This is a highly successful headline to try - People love to have their problems solved! Ask yourself: What problem does your product solve? What are you improving on? What are you teaching? These could be something like:

How to get a date How to get groceries free How to learn French How to succeed in business


When people see a question, they tend to automatically answer it in their heads. This is a great way to get them engaged immediately with your ad. Questions, when done right, evoke curiosity and encourage click throughs to find the answer. Some examples could be:

Are you paying too much? Have you seen this? Do you feel safe?


Be a bit careful with this one! Commands, when used wrong, can mean alienating people rather than engaging them. When done right, however, using a directive can mean very high click-throughs and sales. People know exactly what you want them to do - there is no ambiguity here!

Click this ad now Hit Like Click link to buy


This one can require a bit more work and a lot more creativity. Try coming up with a list of reasons that will entice people to click through to find out more. Just remember to deliver by including the reasons on your landing page!

5 ways to get a date 8 tricks for selling more product Top 3 reasons most businesses fail


If you know someone influential in your niche who would be willing to give you a testimonial, these can be *extremely* effective. Couple that with their images and target the ad to their fans, and watch your sales skyrocket! Just be sure to ask for permission before using their pictures or quotes in the ad!

Do you tend to use the same type of headline across the board? Do you have one type that always delivers well for you?

Why Your Business Should Choose Google AdWord Solutions?   Use PPC Marketing to Boost Your Internet Business   Targeting PPC Ads by Location   

How Much Of Your PPC Budget Is Wasted On Reseller Fees?

I talk to a lot of attorneys who are doing PPC advertising, but do not have their own AdWords or Bing accounts. If they log in at all, they log into some interface provided by their service provider that provides them very limited information and a fraction of the features that they get with a full blown AdWords account.

As we know, AdWords can be quite complicated, so they think to themselves they are better off using one of these services. Two of the big names out there for law firms are Yodle and Reachlocal. However, these are not third-party AdWords managers. These companies are in essence "Paid Click Resellers," who make money by marking up the click costs.

Here's how their business model works: a Click Reseller sets up a web page for the law firm advertiser, for example ABC Law Firm. The Click Reseller also sets up a PPC ad campaign comprising of keywords, ad copy and website page for their client.

The Click Reseller then, on behalf of ABC Law Firm, bids on keywords at a search engine such as Google. When a searcher clicks on the ad for ABC Law Firm on Google, the Click Reseller makes money by charging ABC Law Firm a markup on the cost of the click that Google bills the Click Reseller.

It's reported multiple places online that the typical mark up on the cost of the click is 50% and that some Click Resellers have been known to mark up click costs by as much as 300%. (Reachlocal is a publicly traded company (RLOC) and apparently this information can be found in their SEC filings, but I have not performed that research at this time.)

This type of markup is unheard of in the SEM agency world, where a good PPC management company may use a variety of pricing models for their services, but rarely mark up more than 20% of ad spend and are typically closer to 10-15% of ad spend.

Google AdWords Authorized Reseller Program to Shut Down

Now, there has been no official announcement from Google and their Authorized Reseller program website is still live, but it is also being reported that Google is ending its Authorized Reseller Program. The program as it exists today includes around 30 PPC Management companies. ( http://www.google.com/intl/en/ads/premiersmbpartner/advertisers-findpartner.html )

A Good Thing for Agencies and Small Businesses

The program has been a great way for Google to gain more customers, but has not been good for the customers themselves due to the extreme markups by the Authorized Resellers and the lack of transparency.

This change will ultimately force PPC Management companies to be more transparent about their fees. The market will become more competitive and law firms will be able to compare agencies service, results and fees fairly.

To their credit, Click Resellers do offer the ability to start up an ad campaign easily and quickly. But once the PCC ad campaigns are initiated, the small business is burdened with the high click markup on a recurring basis.

The high click markup on a PPC campaign can lead to a high conversion cost. This means that the cost of acquiring a new client could cost the small business significantly more compared to using a third-party AdWords manager.

Paying more than is required is, of course, not a sustainable and effective way of conducting your law firm's marketing.

Why Your Business Should Choose Google AdWord Solutions?   Use PPC Marketing to Boost Your Internet Business   Targeting PPC Ads by Location   

Four Reasons To Go For Pro AdWords Management

When it comes to Google AdWords, you might end up thinking you can handle it all own your own. This is quite understandable, given the fact that AdWords Management isn't rocket science.

However, no sooner will you attempt at managing AdWords when you will realize that it isn't a cakewalk either! Designing a pay-per-click campaign that is based on your needs and current situation could prove to be easy. Yet, successfully implementing it so that you ultimately achieve the goals of your website not only takes a great deal of effort and time, but entails using some expertise. This is what an AdWords Management specialist will help you out with. Here are some important reasons why you might want to consider hiring an expert team for AdWords Management.

1. Making Use Of The Technical Know-How

The technical knowledge of a Google AdWords expert isn't something you can acquire easily. At the same time, no matter how intelligently your campaign is designed, you cannot match the expertise, experience and the paraphernalia possessed by the specialist. An expert will also put the software and analytics to good use and do a careful analysis of where you are, what you have and how you can get yourself to where you want to be.

2. Learning How To Go About Implementing An AdWords Campaign

As you closely interact with the AdWords expert, there can't be a better learning experience. You get to know how AdRank works, how small manipulations and playing with the AdWords can influence the outcome eventually, why and which Google Display Network should you choose, and a plethora of other issues that are intimately linked with AdWords management.

3. Time And Effort, Saved!

At the face of it, it's easy and convenient to presume that you have to dig deep (not too deep, never) into your pockets to hire a team or an individual for AdWords Management. At the core of it, you will find yourself undergoing harrowing experiences of doing research and not getting any results at all. The seemingly easy task of grasping pay-per-click marketing and AdWords management can be tiresome and time-consuming especially if you're running a business. The energy and time that you will save at the end of the day can be channelized on other aspects about your website or business.

4. Keeping A Close Eye On Progress

The art of an effective AdWords management plan is consistently and unfailingly monitoring the progress. With the right software tools, an AdWords expert is able to track your website and online business and see whether the results are beginning to show or not. Perhaps the most important and crucial benefit you reap out of this aspect is the on-the-spot tweaking of your campaign. The AdWords specialist will help you out in turning the campaign towards the right direction, thereby enhancing your target-achievement, something you may never do on your own.

All in all, you would do well if you hand over a major chunk of your responsibility of AdWords Management to a specialist or an expert team. Not only does it make sense to do so, it opens the doors for reaching new heights of success for your business!

Why Your Business Should Choose Google AdWord Solutions?   Use PPC Marketing to Boost Your Internet Business   Targeting PPC Ads by Location   

Importance of Pay Per Click Advertising

Importance of engaging in Pay Per Click advertising

Many people who are new to online marketing do not understand how Pay Per Click function. They think that it is something very complicated that entails a lot of experience in the field. However, this is not as it is a very simple technique in internet marketing. It can actually increase your total profits tremendously and it is thus an advisable strategy for every business person to adopt.

Understanding the working mechanism of Pay Per Click is very easy and especially if you consult with an expert. If you are new to internet marketing, it is good that you seek the help of experts who are familiar with the topic ads and you will be surprised by the total profits that you will make in the long run. Despite the fact that majority of the experts charge a small fee, it is a risk worth-taking.

Pay per click is an online based marketing strategy where you will be required to put your advertisement in a text format. It is then placed on the results page of the top search engines such that any person who visits the internet looking for a related site can also get to know your site. The only thing that you are required to pay for is the campaign for the total number of people who visit your site. This is the main reason why it has come to be known as pay per click.

One of the main advantages that are associated with this method is the fact that you will be able to meet many people from different parts of the world. It is obvious that the total number of people who visit your website will increase significantly meaning that you will come into contact will many new clients and thus increase the total revenue of your business.

It is actually one of the fastest ways of making money online because of the immediate results that are entailed. It is actually a faster way of attracting more people to your site when compared to Search Engine Optimization(SEO). With this method, your advertisement will be viewed by many people when it is listed in the search list of the top search engines. It is also very effective in terms of cost control.

This is especially because you are able to control the Cost Per Campaign since you are only required to make the payment after you get a new visitor to your website.

Why Your Business Should Choose Google AdWord Solutions?   Use PPC Marketing to Boost Your Internet Business   Targeting PPC Ads by Location   

How to Create Great Landing Pages to Boost Your PPC Campaigns

The world of Internet marketing changes rapidly, and the term "landing page" is one that is relatively new to online businesses. If you haven't heard the term before, it refers to a specific web page that is reached when a potential customer clicks on a PPC ad. These pages are also called lead capture pages because they can function as a way for a business to get some information from a user (name, email, etc.) that will help that business to build a mailing list of potential clients. In other words, the landing page "captures the lead" for the business owner.

Online marketers use transactional landing pages to encourage potential customers to interact with their business in a way that will lead to the immediate or eventual sale of their product. Some landing pages require the user to input an email address (a lead capture page) in order to obtain more information about the product they are pursuing. Others simply ask a customer to "Click Here" to learn more or to "See Clearance Items Here."

Whenever a visitor to a landing page carries out the suggested action, that visitor is counted as a "conversion." Web marketers use their conversion rates to figure out how effective their landing pages are and as a result, they can learn how to improve their entire promotional campaign. Here are some tips for creating landing pages that will have high conversion rates and contribute to your successful online business.

• Use an ad spy tool to find out what keyword/ad combinations your competitors are using in their advertising schemes. When you have that information, you can create a similar campaign that points customers to your landing page.

• Design your landing page to match your ad. Let's say you are promoting audio books, for example, and have developed a keyword/ad combination that gets plenty of traffic. Maybe the keyword is "audio mysteries" and the ad you are placing reads, "Get the most intriguing audio mysteries here." When you get a potential customer to click through to your landing page, be sure that he or she sees something about audio mysteries immediately. Don't make the mistake of thinking that you can direct all kinds of audio book searches to one landing page or to your home page. Many Internet shoppers are impatient, and if they are looking for mysteries, they don't want to have to scroll up and down your page to find them. They also don't want to see lots of references to non-fiction, romance books, or westerns. Studies show that a new website has only a few seconds to make a positive impression on users and if they do not find what they are looking for right away, they will simply hit the back button. That is why each landing page must be customized for the keyword/ad combination that leads to it.

• Pay close attention to your lander's sales copy. You don't want something filled with hype that will turn your visitor away. Instead make it easy for your customer to see why he should make a purchase from you. Your sales pitch should be presented in a logical, understandable way that leads a client to spend his money at your e-store. If writing copy is not easy for you, consider hiring a professional to help you craft it. At the very least, be sure that your grammar and spelling are perfect. You want your visitor to think of your online business as a place that is filled with professionals that know what they are doing. It is impossible to build that kind of trust with your clients if the landing page is poorly written or sloppily put together.

• Don't be afraid to keep modifying your lander. Ask friends and family members from several different demographic groups to look at it for you and give their honest opinions. If you are marketing to a particular age group or gender, make your page as appealing as possible to that group.

• Insert a keyword tracker into your lander. This is a service that is available from Google AdWords, and allows you to tell exactly which of your ads is bringing the most visitors to your landing page. It also tells you which places on the web referred your customers to your site if you are advertising in more than one spot.

Well-developed landers can do a lot to improve your conversion rates. While it is true that your PPC ads drive people to your site, it is also true that the landing page is the main factor that helps people decide whether or not to make a purchase. Be sure to make them the best they can be.

Why Your Business Should Choose Google AdWord Solutions?   Use PPC Marketing to Boost Your Internet Business   Targeting PPC Ads by Location   

13 Attention-Grabbing Headlines

Your Facebook PPC headline is perhaps THE most important element of your ad, next to the image.

Your goal in writing your headline is threefold:

1. To grab people's attention initially (if the image doesn't)

2. To generate enough curiosity that they are enticed to read your ad copy, and

3. To summarize the key point of your ad copy, and convince them to click on the ad.

With just 25 characters to work with, you wouldn't think it would be that hard to write. But satisfying all 3 of the above goals in *just* 25 characters (or ideally, less)? Not always so easy.

I thought I would come up with a list of some attention-grabbing headline starters you can use as you brainstorm your own ad headlines. This is by no means exhaustive, but hopefully you will find a few that inspire you!

The Guarantee

This is where you give a promise. But be careful! Only promise what you can deliver.

o 100% Money Back Guarantee

o Satisfaction Guaranteed

o Guaranteed Effective

Deep discount

Talk about how amazing your discount is (we're not talking 10% off here).

o Massive Savings

o Save 50% Today Only

o Bargain Basement Price


This one works well for its shock value.

o Warning! Don't be Fooled.

o Warning: Don't Overpay.


This one's pretty self-explanatory and very effective.

o Free Report

o Watch Free Video

o Click for Free Sample

The Truth About

You are the sole proprietor of the truth! (Not really, but that's what this type of headline makes it sound like).

o The Truth About Retail

o The Truth About SEO

o The Truth About Dieting

Little Known

o Little Known Facts About Marketing

o Little Known Secret Revealed


This one conjures up images of physically unlocking something. It's always effective to use words or phrases that help people envision themselves performing a physical action.

o Unlock the Secrets of Facebook

o Unlock the Mystery of Self-Confidence


Again, you are the purveyor of truth. And you're even willing to share this secret you've uncovered!

o Advertising Scam Exposed

o Insurance Fraud Exposed

Last Chance

o Last Chance to Save 40%

o Last Chance for Free Sample

o Last Chance to Buy


I love how this one piques the interest, and actually gets people thinking about, "what if?"

o Imagine Losing 10 Pounds

o Imagine Never Working Again

o Imagine Finally Feeling Confident


This one speaks to limited quantities, limited time, or limited opportunities.

o Limited Time Offer

o Time is Running Out...

o Only 3 Left


An attention grabber, for sure!

o Stop What You're Doing

o Stop Overpaying for Insurance

o Stop Being a Doormat


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How To PPC - Simple Procedures To Follow For A Successful Campaign

Knowing how to PPC can help you successfully advertise your business or product. It will also benefit you by generating traffic, and is instrumental in reaching the top rankings in major search engines. However, it also demands for a lot of calculation since this form of advertisement is highly competitive. In order to have a successful campaign, there are simple procedures to follow.

Before pushing through with your campaign, it is important that you know what you will be facing and are familiar with the basics. Firstly, you should know your target audience. You should familiarise yourself with what they need in order for you to know what to provide for them. Get to know your competitive environment, come up with a budget for advertising, what will be the design of your advertisement, and figure out how many people you intend on targeting on a daily basis. Once you have all of the basic information, it will be easy for you to turn this into reality, and you can also hire the help of a professional.

Keep in mind that these professionals are knowledgeable in coming up with campaigns, and they tend to plan out the entire ad campaign but still manage to bear in mind the demands of the client. When you hire their services, you don't need to be worried because you will be in safe hands because they will research further before applying the best strategy for your PPC ad. Keep in mind to come up with a successful ad campaign and a landing page. It is important to have an appealing ad since it will draw in the attention of the viewers and if they are interested, they will click on it and be directed to your landing page.

Ensure that your landing gate will be easy for the viewers to navigate, and that the most important information should be found here in order to gain the trust of the viewers, and they will believe that you are not deceiving them. Bear in mind that keywords play a vital role in your PPC advertising campaign.Once you are finished with the design of your campaign, observe the results that follow. If you get positive feedback, adjustments will not be necessary. However, if you get negative feedback, find out where the problem is and make adjustments. Mastery of this marketing tool may be a little difficult especially for beginners but it could be very effective once you learn all the important things you need to know.

Why Your Business Should Choose Google AdWord Solutions?   Use PPC Marketing to Boost Your Internet Business   Targeting PPC Ads by Location   

Focus Areas of Successful Google AdWords Management

The SEM industry has seen a fantastic improvement since the Google Certification Program became a mainstream requirement for agencies wanting to offer a high quality service to their clients. The training offered by Google themselves in both the online learning center and online masterclasses in cities across the globe.

Although Google AdWords contains thousands of unique capabilities and features which all contribute to the success of an advertiser, this article will explain in more detail how ad delivery method, and ad rotation are paramount in a campaign where a high ROI and simplicity is the aim of the advertiser.

Ad Delivery Methods This AdWords feature is responsible for determining whether you ads do or do not show for any given keyword at any point during the day.

Standard deliver uses your daily budget, max CPC and search volume estimations to determine the best way to ensure that you ads are always showing when your customers are searching for you. When using standard delivery, if you were to set your daily budget lower than the recommendation, this would likely result in your budget being totally exhausted before the day is though. This means that you miss out on impressions and clicks which may have converted.

Accelerated deliver works to serve your ads to internet users on the search and display network as soon as possible until your daily budget is exhausted. Google recommends this delivery method for business that would generate the best ROI from serving ads in the morning.

Display Ad Builder This feature is relatively new to Google AdWords. In the days when print advertising was more popular, businesses would call the local Newspaper and purchase advertising, only to realise the Newspaper does not provide any ad-copy or design services. The business then has to spend time and money finding and paying a designer to create the advert.

Google AdWords display ad builder puts the tools in place to ensure that the issues with print advertising do not carry over into online marketing. An advertiser can employ a Google AdWords management agency to look after and optimise their account. To keep everything in one place for their clients, agencies can now use customizable ad templates to create professional looking display ads.

Ad Rotation Consider using the 'optimize for clicks' ad rotation setting. This works to serve the ads in an ad group evenly until the highest performing ad becomes evident. Google defines a high performing ad as the one with the highest click-through-rate (CTR).

This is an automatic way to optimise your ad for clicks, then you just need to optimise your landing page for conversions.

Why Your Business Should Choose Google AdWord Solutions?   Use PPC Marketing to Boost Your Internet Business   Targeting PPC Ads by Location   

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